About Me

I orchestrate technical solutions, strategically optimizing resources to deliver agile and cost-efficient projects that adapt to evolving requirements and dynamic challenges.

As an academic researcher, I served as a co-investigator on multiple grants and was recognized as a Global Talent by the 🇬🇧 UK government in 2021.
Oversee all aspects of tech R&D.
Oversee all aspects of tech R&D.
Onboarded as an RSS3 Node Operator.
Achieved ~40% in budget reduction through strategic optimizations and procurement negotiations.
Led the design and development of backend services.
Introduced Agile methodologies to boost team efficiency and project delivery.

Named reseacher on multiple EPSRC Grants.
Electronic Health Records (EP/S010238/2, £269,192).
COVID-19 Visual Analytics (EP/V054236/1, £430,497).

Named reseacher on Electronic Health Records (EPSRC Grant EP/S010238/1, £357,722).

Implemented the public transport routing module for https://onemap.gov.sg via ESRI API & Google Maps API.

Thesis: Visualization of Electronic Health Records.

With Distinction.
Dissertation: Smart City Visualization.

Bachelor of Nothing
No University
I skipped my bachelor's degree.
Credential ID VEZ33VNGD796

Credential ID 13723805

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